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Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
The massage is:

If You have a server with 28 Players on it
8 Drivers is a small number to BAN another driver!

What´s so unclear about that?

Ban horny Sams just press "1", without having an
idea whats going on.

The Ban Time goes for what ever the server says...

Put the eight man on the kick - option, and leave the
ban on more than 50&5 of the drivers on a server,
might be a suggestion.

after me. And thats why I open a thread on it,
whatsoever any of You GURUS might be up to.

Bann the banning banners, Dandy
8 Votes Ban
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Dear Sirs!

I made a test:

Ban anybody for NO REASON on a full server:

You will always find 8 clowns, who press the "1" button.

I did it: I just let 3 drivers ban, for no reason at all,

who were in front of me.


Nobody knows for how long: I love it:


Greetings, Dandy
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Servus aus Wien!

Es wäre nett wenn man mich von der OLT-Bann Liste nehmen könnte.

Für Rückfragen bitte hier:

Das ist die Seite unseres LFS Teams Zone 30, wo
ich auch die Racing NEWS schreibe.
Ich hatte das unangenehme Pech für die Allmachtsfantasien der WB-Maker, allen voran SamH
herhalten zu müssen...

M.f.G, Dandy Dust
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi there!

I have solved the problem:

One has to download and istall the newest (official) patch from the links on the site and istall that.

Then the programm referes to the NEW master server
and with the correct username and GAMEpassword the
opening takes 2 seconds.

Greetings, Dandy Dust
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi there!

I am downloading Patch W now and will see if it does the job then!

I will post results here...

THNX, Dandy Dust
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi there!

I am getting Ideas now myself.

Has the master server of LFS moved resently?

My Installations CD is 1 1/2 years old.

Should I rather install a download version that will

"corespond" with the new master server?

Asks, Dandy Dust
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi there!

THNX for Your quick responce.

I will not get connected with the master server.
Even when I disable the firewall completely.

This does make it a Non-LFS problem, doesnt it?

My Standart LFS S2 Installation runs, my internet
connection works well.

Maybe I should update LFS manually first?

Greetings, Dandy Dust
LFS twice istalled for Testpacht - cannot unlock
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi there!

I am having the following problem:
As I wanted to try the newest incompatible testpatch I
installed LFS S2 annother time, to use the Test-Patch on
that installation.

Now opended the game lfs.exe which takes me to the
Demo and I try to unlock with my usual GAMEPassword.

It does not work and I habe checked on the Firewall and
also on the GamePassword which I redefined for that

Can I not habe LFS installed twice on my PC?

Any suggestions?

Greetings, Dandy Dust
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi there!

As I used to drive STTC and now found the league down, I would like to know what the reason(s) were
for that!?

Please can someone say in simple words, what caused
the (sudden?!) end of the league?

Greetings, Z30 Dandy Dust
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi there!

For the important Races I usually wear a particullar pair
of purple (thick) skiing socks, with an odd greenish square patterned surface.
My wife knows that she has to spare me for a while, when I put those on in my special pre-race ritual;
which comes with a "racing-pillow for my leopard-patterned raceseat an some other oddities...

Greeting, Dandy
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
10:25 middle Europe

Great Banner
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hey Folks!

Thanks for the Banner, i´m having it on allready.

Honorary Consule
Last edited by Dandy Dust, .
what I would like to see in Lfs Complete Version
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi there!

1) Coplete Track system!
Blackwood and Westhill are wonderfull racingsights and certainly deserve
more variations, which means I still miss

bl2, bl3 and bl4, lets say, as well as we2, we3 and we4.

Car classes should be even closer in competition...

3) Weather and Night Effect, especially change in wheater conditions
would be great.

4) Set all records to ZERO when the final version comes on!

5) I forgot: REPLAY REWINDING!!!!!!!!!

Greeting, Dandy Dust
Last edited by Dandy Dust, .
LX4 & Lx6 South City car settings
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi Racers !

I am looking for lx4 setting for So long Reversed in special and all

LX - South City Setups in general.

If You can come up with some of Your crown - jewellery I would

be very pleased.

Inferno does not support this combination a lot so far, and I´m in bad

need for such a race in two weeks from now...

Send settings as attachment here or as an email....

Greetings, Dandy Dust
Last edited by Dandy Dust, . Reason : language
What comes after Dirty12 and WHEN?
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi there!

I wonder if there are any basic figures possible about the next season
of the OLFSL?

Is there going to be a season before autuumn?

Happy for any idea, so that I (WE) can plan the coming LFS-months...

Greetings, Dandy
mates@track II doesnt work after Patch
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi there!

I hope its worth a new thread:

My mates@trackII doesnt work after the patch...

Does Yours work?
Any solutions out there?

I dont want to loose my mate-list...

Greetings, Z30 Dandy Dust
counting the count-downs
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi there, developers of the best game ever!

I am going nuts, crazy, mad...

How many more strange count-down-thingis are YOU going to
have on for a PATCH????

First the Day by Day thing on the site, then that 3-Day
picture that doesn´t obviously really count down as well.
(IT SAYS 3 DAYS FOR 36 HOURS NOW!!illepall illepall )

Just announce a day and a time men!

Yours, Z30 Dandy Dust
New Dashboard...question
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi LFS-World!

I wonder about the Dashboard-Screenshot on the right side of day three:

It says "fuel 124,5" !!??

Isn´t the max 100% so far, meaning that I never saw a liter-display
of the gasoline-amount loaded...

Has somebody noticed that before?
What does it mean, or am I thinking wrong on that one?

Greetings, Z30 Dandy Dust
banging F5 button
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hello LFS-Communists!

As a new variation to furious headbanging, as it was common
in the eightees I find myself F5-banging in a punk-ordered-rythm...illepall

As a matter of fact i dont even know, what I really want to see:
more and more features of the patch or the piece of software itself.

It´s like waiting for Godot: "Shut up pig!"

I hope i was of some help getting through the lost time...

Greetings, Z30 Dandy Dust
RE: Your statement
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Dear Mrs.Fiendi!

I understand that You dont know Your time-scedules half a Year in advance!

But 100 Racers are depending on Your planning, as You know.

So how about ONE WEEK in advance?

That would be a big help for the racers.

I once wrote that OLFS is the only league with a reset-rule and

I was told that I was wrong with that opinion, so I dont say this

is the only league where You dont know when You will drive until

about 24h before the race.

But all the other leagues THAT I KNOW do have a timetable for the

Race-starting times in advance and of course I have expeerienced

changes in those times for various reasons.

But if 100 drivers have a uncertainty for 6 hours, that means standby

for 600 hours. That equals a standby time of 25 full days for the Racers.

If this amount is reduced to lets say 100hours its a big gain.

Greetings, Dandy
Starting Times
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Dear Hosts of the OLFSM-League!

The only problem that I have with the concept of the OLFSL

is, that the starting times of the pools (and of course the pool

that a driver is in) are only handed out the day before the race,

that means on Saturday. For me as a family father with a lot of

"Real life", especially on the weekend, it is very difficult to cope

with this short termed-information.

I have learned in former discussions, that one idea behind the big

variation of starting times is the wish, that the drivers from all

over the world have similiar conditions and that no area of the

planet is handicapped with bad starting times. This is a good thought!

But would it not be possible to hand out a timetable for the intended

starting times together with the Event/Car list in the beginning of the

season? It simply would be nice to know if the races are intended to

take place in the afternoon or late in the evening on a particular sunday...

For me, when planning a weekend with my wife, it´s tough to say that

I might be racing somewhen on sunday between 11am and 11pm.

I am shure that there is potencial for improovement in that point.

Everything else about the OLFS I find organized very good, transparent

and fair. Everybody can see the efforts of the hosts and their staff and

the events are carried out very care-fully!

Greeting, till the race after this one ,

Dandy :jester:
Dangerous North
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Dear Mrs.Fiendi!

I understand!

Coming to Finnland (which I am dreaming of, it must be beautyfull )

I will wear some kind of a helmet.

With the best regards and wishes,

Big Brother
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Dear Monitors!

Big Brother and the Beautyfull New World were Horror-Visions,

NOT Internet Rule Constitutions...

I think the only "bad language" is when You dont say what

has to be said: "****ing" for example is the mystical proceedure

that has to be lived through to produce a new human life.

And the "Ass" is a very complicated organ, that can tell

liquids from gases and even from more concrete materia.

I would not compare every Idiot with such wonderfull things.

An swearing can also be something very delightfull, if for

example You would mind to read the letters the Genius Mozart

wrote to his beloved cousin (YES!). Some people think that

he was exentric, but newest research has prooved that using

words that describe Genitales and Fecals was very common

on the monarcs courts and in the Mozart family.

Tabus have the paradox effect of making the forbidden more

interesting and they make it impossible for people to balance

out their own attidutes an expression or even cultural integration.

Think of the prohibition times of alcohol in Skandinavia and also

in the anglosachsen/ protestant/ calvinistic Countries, such as the

United States of America. These laws have led to a very "unatquate"

realtionship to the consumption of alcohol, where as in countries like

Italy children expirience their first alcohol in the circle of the family.

You dont find loads of drunk teenagers on their streets....

It simply is the small social structures, which offer the fields of

human development and all rules are mostly contraproductive.

Rules are there to be broken...

Let me give You an example from the katholic church:

A marriage is not legal if one of the partners is not capeable of

proceeding the matremonial act. If You meet a priest on several

occasions before the wedding, this is what You are told. But, if

You followed all the religious rules to that point, You will never know

if You are capeabel of making love. So people tend to ask the priests

how they should figure out if they were capeable or not. The priest

answer very funny stuff like: "A man knows that..."

As a matter of fact he can´t without having brokes the rules of the

Pope and his fellow moralic team... insist.

Trying to keep laguage under control is like "fighting for peace".

And everybody in the world knows, [at least since we (the holy West)

invaded Iraq] that "Fighting for peace" is like "****ing for virginity".

I was told this sentences by my father when I was a child!

That is how educated people tend to use language once in a while,

in Austria, the place where I grew up, which is in the very middle of

central Europe. And my Grandmother, who is a lady in particular, calls

somebody, when she comes to that same opinion, an idiot.

I´m just a soul, who´s intentions are good, so oh lord, don´t let me

be missunderstood....

Greetings, Dandy Dust
Answer from Victor himself
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
Hi everybody!

I asked at the LFS-tech and got a answer from Victor himself!!

Here is what he wrote to me:

Quote :

The use of images in signatures has been disabled, so I'm afraid you cannot
add your lfs-status image in there on our forum.


Victor van Vlaardingen

Greetings, Dandy
Testing Signature
Dandy Dust
S3 licensed
This is a signature test....
